Welcome to
St. Paul's Lutheran Church
“God is light; In him there is no darkness...”
[1 John 1:5]
We welcome you to St. Paul's Lutheran Church. Whether you are a first time visitor or life-long member, we are glad you are here.
St. Paul's Lutheran Church serves as a steward of God’s grace in Jesus Christ. We are a community gathered around the Means of Grace, committed to the faithful preaching and teaching of God’s Word and the right administration of the Sacraments.
We preach that Jesus Christ, God’s only-begotten Son, was crucified as the ultimate sacrifice for our sins. We proclaim Christ’s resurrection and the defeat of sin, death, and the devil. We acknowledge Christ as our Lord and Savior and we live with the sure confidence of eternal life granted by His life, death, and resurrection. All of this is God’s free gift to us, and nothing we can ever do will earn or deserve God’s favor or salvation.
Our worship is traditional and liturgical, following the orders of service in Lutheran Service Book. We celebrate the Lord’s Supper on the first and third Sunday's of the month during the Divine Service.
At the center of our life at St. Paul's is the worship of Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world. Through His resurrection from the dead, we are given new life in His name. In, by, and through God’s grace, that life is cultivated here through faithful Christ-centered worship, insightful Biblical study, and solid Lutheran catechesis.